For a drink, which is a regular part of people’s diet, it mustn’t be posing harm to your health.
The best organic Kombucha is rich in antioxidants and acetic acid. It is a slightly alcoholic, fermented tea which originated from Russia but is now consumed all around the globe.
Read more below, as we have collected great information about the best kombuchas for your convenience.

Why Should you Drink Kombucha?
- Antioxidants – It contains antioxidants which helps fight molecules that damage your cells. People often take antioxidants supplements; instead, you can simply switch to Kombucha as it’s a great source to reduce toxicity.
- Acetic Acid – It is ironic how this drink is made from bacteria and yeast. Yet, it helps kill harmful yeast and bacteria, especially those that cause infection, as it contains acetic acid, which is found in very limited foods.
- Anti-Depressant – It works as an anti-depressant for many since it is rich in probiotics and is anti-inflammatory, both of which have a negative relationship with depression. It is not a solution for depression but can improve your mental health for the time being.
Now, we would like to introduce our top organic red wines, organically certified and made using organic methods, these wines makes you feel as good as it tastes.
Home-brew Kombucha vs Commercial
Home-made Kombucha has always been given preference over store-bought ones and here is why:
- Commercial kombuchas are pasteurized, which removes most of the beneficial content from them, especially the probiotic element, killed by the heat of pasteurization.
- No matter how expensive the commercial kombucha tea is, its quality can never match with raw kombucha.
- Raw is full of acid contents and brings out many other health benefits during fermentation.
- It’s high time you save up on kombuchas when it is a drink you can easily make at home yourself without much hassle. Given how often it is consumed, it can be really heavy on the pocket.
How to tell if Kombucha has gone bad?
There can be some clear and some vague signs of when Kombucha in your home is no longer drinkable:
- SCOBY Layer – Kombucha naturally has a layer of SCOBY (symbiotic culture of bacteria and yeast) on the top, which means the bacteria is alive, and trust me, that is a good thing. If there is no layer, chances are it has indeed gone bad.
- Vinegar Taste – After days of being refrigerated, your Kombucha might taste like vinegar, and although that’s not very harmful, you should use it as a dressing for salads or in any other dish as an alternate for vinegar.
- What do you feel? – Go with your gut feeling. If you’re a regular consumer of Kombucha, you’ll figure out even after one sip that something is off, and there is a high probability that your guess is right since you know what it tastes like.
Reviews: Best Organic Kombucha
We hope you love the following organic kombucha we recommend!
Just so you know, We may collect a share of sales or other compensation from the links on this page.
- This kombucha is fruit-based with multiple flavors and completely organic with the full probiotic content of raw kombucha.
- For those watching their diet and who don’t want to put on extra kilos, this Kombucha only contains 35 calories per 12 oz, so you don’t need to wait for a cheat day to drink it.
- It is completely free of preservatives and additives like artificial sugar and food coloring, making it organic and healthy.
- This is suitable for people who do not drink alcohol for whatever reason as it is non-alcoholic. It is hard to find a non-alcoholic kombucha, but you can rely on this one.
The Kombucha Shop® Original Kombucha Tea Blend Organic Ceylon and Oolong Teas
- These tea leaves are a mixture of organic Ceylon and oolong teas, which are great in taste, especially if home-brewed, which adds a nice essence to it.
- You don’t have to do much with this blend; it makes a clear brew on its own or makes an excellent base for the second round of fermentation if need be.
- The ingredients are all pure and chemical-free, making it drinkable regularly, which you might not be able to do in the case of non-organic kombuchas.
- It dissolves so smoothly, yet the taste is strong, so if you’re not good at blending, these tea leaves are for you.
The Kombucha Company® Large Kombucha Scoby Organic Kombucha Brewing Scoby
- The kombucha company has great reviews and ratings, which means it is tried and tested, so your money will not go down the drain as people generally like it.
- One unique aspect of this product is that the company grows the Kombucha with completely organic ingredients near their shops so customers can check their farms when they visit the shop to buy these.
- If this is used for medical reasons, you must consult doctors as people often over-consume it in the hopes that it is healthy and just like green tea so no harm can be done, which is untrue in this case.
Get Kombucha® Kombucha Starter Kit Organic Probiotic Infused Brewing
- This packet has everything you need to make Kombucha, so now you don’t have to look for ingredients separately, which requires extra time and cost.
- First-timers are in good hands since Get Kombucha has one of the largest communities of kombucha lovers from around the globe who helps newbies with recipes and methods of brewing.
- The company randomly checks packages of Kombucha that are about to be delivered for inspection of purity and quality; they believe in customer satisfaction.
Solstice Tea Traders® Kombucha Loose Leaf Black and Green Tea Hand Blended Organic Kombucha
- The brew is blended by hand to make sure the ratio of yeast to bacteria is balanced; otherwise, it can taste really sour.
- It contains a combination of Keenum congou china black tea and Chinese young hyson green tea, which are a few of the best quality teas found in the world. Every tea leaf is imported from reliable old tea makers to ensure quality.
- Samples are provided if asked so you can try many different flavors beforehand.
Yogi® Green Tea Kombucha Supplies Antioxidants
- Yogi tea is known for its soothing and fresh flavors that include mint and other fruity blends that you wouldn’t get from other companies. Their unique mix provides a distinct taste.
- The combination of green tea and Kombucha is what you need to purify your body from all oxidants and maintain your body’s wellness.
- This blend has some great reviews, be it about the taste, the quality, or the price. For some, it even worked to cure other problems like enhancing memory.
Better Booch® Citrus Sunrise Organic Kombucha
- This Kombucha is made with high-grade Pu-Erh tea, and whole-leaf sage blended to create an antioxidant powerhouse.
- A sunny blast of citrus boosts it to help you glide through the day.
- Better Booch employs a tea-forward, small-batch approach incorporating real, organic ingredients for all-natural flavors low in sugar and high in deliciousness.
- This is a 100% raw food packed with live active cultures, probiotics, adaptogens, and antioxidants, packed together while ensuring all the benefits are preserved.
- It is cold-shipped to ensure that you are getting pure, gut-healing, and probiotic-rich goodness to preserve the health benefits.
Wonder Drink® Fermented Asian Pear and Ginger Kombucha
- Each package contains 24 cans, weighing 8.4-ounces each.
- This Wonder Drink Kombucha is fermented sparkling tea.
- It is naturally flavored with organic Asian Pear and Ginger.
- This product is USDA Organic, Gluten-Free, Vegan, Non-GMO, and BPA Free.
- It is guaranteed to be non-alcoholic.
Remedy Kombucha® Raw Organic Kombucha
- Kombucha is an old-school soda, with gut-loving live cultures and tasty ingredients, without any sugar or alcohol.
- Remedy live kombucha tea is made using only small-batch, long-age brews with organic vegan ingredients.
- Remedy fermented beverages contain no sugar and are ‘I Quit Sugar’ approved.
- It comes in a delicious and refreshing Raspberry Lemonade flavor.
- It pairs well with every kind of food.
Fermentaholics® Live Starter CultureOrganic Kombucha
- Fermentaholics cultures are Organic and Kosher, grown in our fully licensed lab.
- It comes with an easy instruction guide to help you through the process.
- This package makes one gallon of Kombucha.
- It can be flavored in any way you like.