Nowadays, there are a lot of fad diets that claim to solve all your health problems. Some diets are juice-centric, helping to detoxify the body and aid in weight loss. However, drinking non-organic juices can actually be counterproductive. Not only do they contain concentrates instead of fresh fruits and vegetables, but they are also rich in pesticides and other toxic chemicals. Supermarkets, these days, are full of packaged and bottles juices that claim to be rich in nutrients. Not to mention the high added sugar content. To benefit from juices, it is best to opt for Organic juices made from organically grown fruits and vegetables.

Table of Contents
Why Choose Organic Juices

1. Nutrient Rich
2. Less Pesticide Exposure
3. Tastes Better
4. Non-GMO
5. Minimum Additives
6. Environmental Benefits
- Nutrient Rich – Organic fruits and vegetables are shown to contain more nutrients than their traditionally grown counterparts. This is due to the use of organic growing techniques such as crop rotation, which makes the soil nutrient-rich, as well as using organic fertilizer.
- Less Pesticide Exposure – Organic produce is grown without the use of synthetic fertilizers, pesticides, and insecticides, which are full of harmful chemicals. These chemicals can sink into the fruit, especially if the fruit or vegetable has a thin peel, contaminating the nutrients inside with dangerous chemicals. Opting for organic juice limits your exposure to these harmful chemicals.
- Tastes Better – Organic fruits and vegetables have been shown to taste much better than non-organic ones. This is due to the sustainable practices employed in organic agriculture, making the produce taste richer.
- Non-GMO – GMO refers to Genetically Modified Organisms and can also be called Genetically Engineered (GE). This means changing the fundamental structure of a product to enhance its qualities. However, GE also allows for exploitation in terms of fruits and vegetable growth and is not always healthy for consumption. According to the regulations and standards, organic food cannot be GMO or GE. Therefore, going organic is a safe way to avoid GMOs.
- Minimum Additives – Most Organic juice brands add little to no additives in their products. Whereas, non-organic juices are full of preservatives to ensure a longer shelf-life, as well as sugar to enhance the taste.
- Environmental Benefits – Organic crops provide many benefits for the environment as well. It promotes animal welfare and protects the ecosystem by employing eco-sustainable techniques and materials for crop growth. It lowers synthetic chemicals, thereby producing less pollution for air, water, and soil. Techniques such as crop rotation increase agricultural diversity as well.
Benefits of Drinking Juice

1. Easy to Consume
2. Contains Vitamins and Minerals
3. Antioxidant Rich
4. Boosts Immune System
5. De-Toxify the Body
6. Increase Hydration
7. Provides Soluble Fiber
8. Aids in Digestion
- Easy to Consume – On average, an adult needs at least 5 servings of fruits and vegetables each day, depending on overall health and specific lifestyle requirements. However, it can be quite difficult to reach this quota every day, especially during workdays. Drinking fresh juice solves this problem as it allows you to consume a large number of fruits and vegetables easily without feeling overwhelmed.
- Contains Vitamins and Minerals – Fruits and vegetables are rich in nutrition including Vitamins and Minerals. Juicing does not damage the vitamins and minerals. Instead, juices make it much easier for our bodies to absorb said nutrients as compared to whole fruits.
- Antioxidant Rich – As we said before, organically grown fruits and vegetables contain more antioxidants than their traditionally grown counterparts. Similarly, fresh-pressed juices contain much more antioxidants, as well as vitamins and minerals, than packaged and bottled juices. Antioxidants help protect your body against oxidative damage and slow down aging.
- Boosts Immune System – Since organic juices are packed with nutrition, it is an ideal way to boost your immune system. A healthy immune system is the backbone of a healthy person.
- De-Toxify the Body – Fresh fruits, even when juiced, contain a protein called Glutathione, which is made up of three amino acids that aid the body in detoxifying itself. It especially helps to remove lead and pesticides from our systems.
- Increase Hydration – Freshly squeezed juices flush the body with a large quantity of water along with nutrients. Therefore, it ups your hydration level. Water is essential for the body to process carbohydrates from the natural sugar in the fruit, as well as to absorb vitamins and minerals properly.
- Provides Soluble Fiber – Fruits and vegetables contain a type of insoluble fiber, whereas freshly squeezed juices contain a type of soluble fiber. This type of soluble fiber is known to lower cholesterol levels in the body. It also regulated blood sugar levels in the body.
- Aids in Digestion – As previously mentioned, fresh juices contain a soluble fiber. This fiber supports the growth of good bacteria in the body and aids in digestion while also making you feel full for longer. This is because it slows the transit of food through the digestive tract.
Which Fruits and Vegetables to Juice

1. Apples
2. Nectarines and Oranges
3. Pears
4. Peach
5. Strawberries
6. Grapes
7. Celery
8. Leafy Greens
9. Cucumber
Not only can these vegetables and fruits be used to make fresh juices, but they can also be made into smoothies. Smoothies are also an excellent way of meeting your daily quota of fresh fruits and vegetables and making almost a meal out of it. You can opt for bottled organic juice or make your own, as per your personal preferences.
However, for making your own juice, whether you buy your produce organic or not, it is essential to know how to wash it properly before consumption. Organic produce may still have some pesticides, although not as much as non-organically grown produce.
How to Wash Fruits and Vegetables Before Juicing

1. Thin-Skin Fruits and Vegetables
2. Thick-Skinned Fruits and Vegetables
3. Leafy Greens
4. Soft Fruits
Thin-Skin Fruits and Vegetables – For soft and thin skin fruits and vegetables, wash thoroughly with water. Before juicing, discard their skin. Fruits and vegetables with thin peels can easily absorb pesticides, which is why it is best to buy them organic. This is true for apples, peaches, pears, cucumber, etc.
Thick-Skinned Fruits and Vegetables – For this type of produce, it is enough to wash them thoroughly with water. This includes fruits and vegetables with thicker skins such as nectarines, oranges, bananas, pineapple, dragonfruit, etc.
Leafy Greens – Leafy greens need the first outer layer to be peeled and then washed thoroughly. For items such as broccoli, you can soak it in water for a few minutes and then rinse to remove any dirt, debris, and chemicals.
Soft Fruits – For good measure, add some vinegar in the sink, along with cold water, and let the soft fruits sit in it to remove any chemicals on the surface. Rinse thoroughly afterward. This is especially essential for fruits such as cherries, strawberries, grapes, etc., that cannot be peeled.