Organic products are all the rage these days. From Organic food and dairy products to organic cosmetics and skincare clothing materials, the demand for organic and sustainable items is on the rise. Organic items bring with them a lot of benefits, including health safety, quality assurance, etc. Due to their high demand, the attached price tag is often higher than conventionally produced products that are not Organic.
The most important part of our life is what we eat, as it essentially becomes a part of our body and can have long-lasting effects on our health. Therefore, out of all the Organic items produced these days, food is the most important. However, organic is best does not apply to all food and produce available out there. Here, we have shared with you the Organic foods that are worth the price tag, as well as some that are not. Read on to find more!

What is Organic Food?

As a general definition, organic refers to anything that is made or derived from living matter. In terms of agricultural products, ‘Organic‘ refers to the growing of vegetables, fruits, and other agricultural items without the use of harmful, artificial chemicals. Simply put, Organic food is produced in compliance with the standards set for Organic farming, featuring practices to promote ecological balance by conserving biodiversity and recycling resources.
Similarly, Organic livestock is raised in living conditions that are most suitable to fit their natural habitat and behavioral requirements. This includes allowing livestock to graze on pasture, raise them on an organic diet, without any animal by-products, as well as antibiotics and growth hormones.
Regulations for the label ‘Organic’ differ from country to country; however, in the USA, Organic crops are required to be grown without the use of chemical fertilizers, pesticides, synthetic herbicides, and GMOs (Bioengineered genes). For Organic produce, manure and compost are used as natural fertilizers. Weeds are naturally controlled with crop rotation, hand-pulling, tilling, mulching, and organic-approved herbicides. If the crops get infested with pests, organic-approved pesticides are used, along with using birds, insects, traps, and other natural pest-control methods. This culls the need for unnecessary, harmful chemicals that affect the quality of the product and may even pose health risks.
Benefits of Organic Food

1. Fresh
2. Free of Synthetic-Chemical
3. GMO-Free
4. Environment-friendly
5. Nutrient Rich
- Fresh – Organic food is free of preservatives, more often than not. This means that most of the Organic food sold is fresher than its conventionally produced counterparts. This holds true in the case of packaged products as well.
- Free of Synthetic-Chemical – In the USA, more than 600 chemicals are approved for agricultural use, resulting in almost 16 pounds of chemical pesticides ingested per person every year. As mentioned above, organic foods and vegetables are grown without the use of synthetic chemicals, herbicides, pesticides, etc. It does not use any chemical substances to aid in the growth of the crops unless they are organic-approved, reducing your chemical pesticide intake by a lot.
- GMO-Free – GMO stands for Genetically Modified Organisms and is also used to refer to any Genetically engineered foods. This includes any plants whose genes are engineered and modified in a way that does not occur in nature or with traditional crossbreeding. GMOs are mostly created to reduce the risk of pest-infection.
- Environment-friendly – Organic farming is designed in such a way that it supports our eco-system and brings farming in harmony with nature. Using techniques like crop rotation, using manure and compost as fertilizer, etc., to cycle resources, reduce synthetic chemical usage, and allowing the wildlife to play its role in the cycle of nature, are all environment-friendly and supportive. Not using chemical pesticides, fertilizers, etc., also go a long way towards keeping the soil, air, and water free of chemical pollution.
- Nutrient Rich – Since the soil is well-managed and allowed to recover its resources through crop-rotation, the fruits and vegetables produced are much more nutrient-rich than usual. Research shows that, on average, organically grown fruits and vegetables deliver 27% more Vitamin C, 21% more Iron, 29% more Magnesium, and almost 14% more Phosphorus than their conventionally grown counterparts.
Which Foods to Buy Organic?

1. Apples
2. Grapes
3. Peaches
4. Potatoes
5. Spinach
Not all organic produce is created equal. Some fruits and vegetables are safer to eat when grown organically, especially if they have thin skins or are not commonly peeled before consumption. The produce best bought Organic includes:
- Apples – Like a lot of other vegetables and fruits, Apples come with a thin peel. Chemical pesticides can easily pass through the peel and absorb into the fruit. Most of the apple samples tested contain heavy pesticide residue. So, opt for Organically grown Apples as much as you can.
- Grapes – Tests show that Grapes contain an average of five different pesticide residues on their surface. This is because grapes are known to attract insects, grow mold, and ripen quickly, most of which can be controlled with pesticides. Therefore, it is best to find locally grown or organic grapes.
- Peaches – Out of all the peach samples collected, 99%, a staggering amount, contain pesticide residue. The pesticide residue is so high that from a health perspective, it would be better to consume canned peaches than these conventionally grown, pesticide-rich ones. Go for locally grown, organic peaches, preferably from a local farmers’ market, for the safest option.
- Potatoes – Due to their heavyweight, conventionally grown potatoes have more pesticide residue than any other crop. This pesticide residue is mostly made up of a particular chemical that is known to have detrimental effects on the central nervous system. This is because potatoes require a nutrition-rich soil, which is mostly done with the help of artificial fertilizers. So, it’s best to buy them Organic.
- Spinach – Spinach is one of the most pesticide-rich vegetable in terms of weight, as spinach leaves weigh very little. Tests show that most of the spinach available contains hints of neurotoxins, among other chemicals. However, Organic Spinach, baby spinach, and frozen spinach can be easily found in most grocery stores.
- Strawberries – Most of the time, strawberries are eaten as they are. This means that all the pesticides that are sprayed on the plant surface while it’s growing are ingested along with the strawberry. Research showed that more than 90% of strawberries contain two or more chemical pesticides. Therefore, Organic strawberries are worth the hefty price tag.
Which Food You Can Skip Buying Organic

1.Bananas 2.Avocados 3.Pineapple
4.Asparagus 5.Onions