Essential oils are all the rage these days. They come in all shapes and sizes. Finding the best quality oil is an essential aspect of using essential oils; however, knowing which essential oil fits your needs best is an altogether different matter. Continue to learn about the best essential oils available in the market and learn how to incorporate them into your life.

Best Essential Oils and Their Benefits

1. Lavender
2. Tea Tree
3. Bergamot
4. Peppermint
5. Chamomile
6. Jasmine
7. Eucalyptus
8. Geranium
9. Ylang Ylang
10. Patchouli
11. Frankincense
12. Lemon and Orange
- Lavender – One of the most popular and versatile essential oil out there, Lavender is known most for its calming properties. Lavender essential oil is known to promote relaxation and relieve symptoms of anxiety, stress, and depression. It can also aid in conditions such as insomnia, nausea, menstrual cramps, fungal infections, allergies, and eczema when applied topically in a diluted form. Due to its relaxing properties, it is a great help in getting a restful night of sleep. According to research, it increases the amount of slow and deep wave sleep in people. It is commonly used in aromatherapy, although it can be applied topically on the temple, wrist, or neck before bedtime to surround you with its relaxing scent. For the same reason, it can be spritz on the pillow directly or onto a paper towel to put under your pillow.
- Tea Tree – Tea tree essential oil is also known as Melaleuca oil. It is obtained by steaming the leaves of Australian Tea Trees. When applied topically, tea tree oil is known to have anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-viral, and anti-inflammatory properties. It is commonly used to treat acne, lice, nail fungus, insect bites, and even athlete’s foot. You can also use tea tree oil in a diffuser. Diffused oil is used to treat colds and coughs.
- Bergamot – Bergamot oil is derived from the rinds of the citrus fruit that grows on Bergamot Orange trees. It features a distinctive soothing and spicy fragrance. Bergamot essential oil is very intense and is anti-septic, and prevents the growth of bacterial and microorganisms. Moreover, it is also known to relieve pain and its accompanying symptoms, such as muscle spasms. It also helps fight against skin infections.
- Peppermint – Peppermint oil comes from a hybrid herb that combines spearmint and watermint. It is known for its fresh minty fragrance and its many benefits. Its essential oil form can be inhaled and absorbed after diffusing water or applied to the skin after diluting it. Peppermint is used in aromatherapy to treat common coughs and colds, reduce stress, improve mental capabilities, and help reduce pain. When applied topically, you can use peppermint oil to treat itching, headaches, and muscle and joint pain.
- Chamomile – Chamomile essential oil comes in two major varieties; Roman and German. Roman chamomile is most commonly used. Chamomile features effective soothing and calming properties. It is also anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, and antibacterial to help you fight off any viruses and bacterial infections. It is known to calm the nerves, relieve anxiety, depression, and induce a calming and restful sleep. Chamomile essential oil is a known pain reliever, along with being a healing agent. It can heal anything from wounds and ulcers to eczema and inflamed skin.
- Jasmine – Jasmine essential oil is derived from the Jasmine plant that has been used for centuries for its sweet and romantic scent. Jasmine essential oil has many benefits, although not all of them are backed by research at the moment. It is a known anti-depressant due to its stimulating and activating effects on the brain and body. It regulates blood flow and oxygen saturation, breathing rate, and blood pressure, all of which contribute to relieving depression and anxiety. Moreover, it is also anti-septic and anti-spasmodic. It is mostly known as an aphrodisiac.
- Eucalyptus – Eucalyptus essential oil is mainly used as medicinal oil. It can be used as a soothing agent to treat asthma, nasal congestion, and other such conditions and common diseases. When applied topically, you can use it to treat and clean wounds and infections and ease joint pain. Eucalyptus essential oil also works wonderfully to repel bugs and insects and is tick-repellant.
- Geranium – Geranium essential oil is derived from a native South African plant. It can be applied to the skin topically, as well as inhaled through a diffuser. Geranium essential oil is anti-bacterial, anti-microbial, anti-septic, and anti-inflammatory. You can apply it topically to treat acne, dermatitis, and other similar conditions. Inhaling geranium essential oil can soothe the nerves and help you relax.
- Ylang Ylang – Ylang Ylang essential oil comes with a slightly floral and spicy fragrance. It is known to be anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and anti-bacterial. Inhaling diffused Ylang Ylang essential oil can enhance libido and boost your mood while also helping you relax. It relieves symptoms of pain and reduces inflammation. When applied topically, it works to promote wound healing and diminish the appearance of scars. It is also naturally insect repellant.
- Patchouli – Patchouli essential oil is derived from a perennial herbaceous plant native to Asia. It is commonly used to treat skin conditions such as acne, dermatitis, and dry and cracked skin when applied topically. Otherwise, it is used to relieve symptoms of cold and cough, headache, nausea. You can also use patchouli essential oil to fight against depression, stress, and anxiety while promoting relaxation.
- Frankincense – Frankincense essential oil comes from the resin of the Boswellia tree native to the mountain ranges in Asia. It has a woody and spicy scent that can be inhaled, ingested as a supplement, or applied topically. When applied topically, it is known to treat and cure dry skin while reducing the appearance of wrinkles and age spots. When inhaled, it can help with asthma and other such conditions.
- Lemon and Orange – Citrus oils, including Lemon and Orange, are great to bring a sense of freshness to yourself and your surroundings. Lemon Essential Oil is known to help fight against depression, relieve symptoms of exhaustion, provide anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial benefits, as well as helps achieve clear skin. Similarly, Orange essential oil is used for its citrus fresh fragrance that lifts the mood and changes the vibe in any room. It is also known for reducing stress, providing relief from pain, is antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory, and has some anti-cancer properties. Both these oils can be applied topically when diluted and diffused, and inhaled through the air.