How to Develop a Skincare Routine for Yourself

Nowadays, skincare is all the rage. Big brands and small brands, models and influencers, as well as common people, all are starting to put more focus on high-quality, organic skincare compared to makeup and other products. Read on to find out more about how you can develop a skincare routine for yourself and what are the skincare must-haves.

What Is Skincare Routine?

In simple words, a skincare routine is just some steps done regularly and consistently to take care of your skin:

Skin problems are part of life. There are many factors that can affect the quality of your skin, such as environmental triggers, sun exposure, hormonal changes, lifestyle, and diet, etc.
Another big factor is age as we age, our skin starts to require more and more support to look nourished and glowing.
Therefore, at every age, it is best to take some extra care with your skin and supply it with whatever it requires.

Essential Steps in a Skincare Routine

Scroll down to see the important steps in having a skincare routine:

1. Cleanse
2. Exfoliators
3. Tone
4. Moisturize
5. Humectants
6. Occlusives
7. Personalized or Spot Treatments
8. Antioxidant

  • Cleanse – Cleansing is the first and one of the most important steps in a skincare routine. During our day-to-day life, our skin accumulates a lot of dirt, dust, grime, and debris. This is due to multiple factors, including our environment, pollution, sun exposure, weather, etc. Cleansers are designed to remove all the dirt and debris from the skin, preventing any buildup in the pores. Cleansers can be in gel form, cream form, etc., and you should choose them based on your skin type. However, as a general rule, it is best to make sure they are sulfate-free. Moreover, skin cells regenerate very fast, resulting in a layer of dead skin cells on the surface of the skin. This is where exfoliators come in.
  • Exfoliators or scrubs are products that remove the layer of dead skin cells from the skin, along with any leftover dirt on the surface. This ensures that the debris and dead skin doesn’t clog the pores and cause breakouts. Exfoliators can be physical ones, with microparticles to scrub away, as well as chemical ones that increase cell turnover chemically. However, make sure that your exfoliator is not too harsh and does not cause micro-tears in the skin. Therefore, cleansers and exfoliators are essential in skincare.
  • Tone – Like all things natural, our skin also has a natural pH component. Completely balanced skin comes with a pH of 5 to 6. In other words, it is slightly acidic in nature. However, when we apply any kind of product onto the skin, it can disrupt and change the pH value of the skin. For example, your cleanser has a different pH, which, when applied to the face, can lead to a reaction. Any cleanser with a pH of 9 or above can be damaging as it can dry out the skin and strip the skin of its natural oils. If the skin barrier, also called the acid mantle of the skin, is damaged, it can lead to irritation and serious skin issues. This acid mantle is made up of lactic acid, amino acid, as well as fatty acids, and sebum. Therefore, any and all products used on the face should be supportive of this mantle and help to balance the natural pH levels of the skin. This is where toners come in. Toners are products designed to be pH balancing, which helps strengthen the skin and promote a smoother and brighter surface.
  • Moisturize – Moisturizer is essentially the backbone of any skincare routine. Until and unless your skincare routine includes a moisturizer, it cannot be effective. Our skin is made up of multiple layers. In these layers, the cells are surrounded by lipids, which contain enzymes. These enzymes break down protein bridges when the water content in the skin is high. This allows for new skin cells to come to the surface layer. In contrast, when the water content in the skin is low, these enzymes suffer difficulty trying to break the barriers to allow the new cells to come to the surface. In this situation, the skin becomes dry, flaky, and dull. This is where moisturizer comes in and why it is so essential. High water content directly results in softer and glowing skin, whereas low water content results in dull and dry skin. Moisturizers not only support the water barrier function and ensure that the skin does not lose too much moisture, but it also increases the water content in the skin. However, this depends on the type of moisturizer you use. Some common types are humectants, occlusives, and emollients.
  • Humectants attract and draw water from the environment to the top layer of the skin.
  • Occlusives come in thick formations, essentially covering the skin in a thick protective barrier to prevent water and moisture loss. Whereas Emollients work to fill the cracks in the skin layers and seal in the water.
  • Personalized or Spot Treatments – The type and quality of skin varies from person to person. Just like we all need food to survive, our skin also requires it in the form of cleansers and moisturizers. However, just as we have personalized needs depending on our likes and dislikes and unique dietary requirements, similarly, the skin may also need some extra support and nutrients. For your skin, it can be anything, from a special essence or serum to a spot treatment product for acne or blemishes.
  • Antioxidant – Some good serums for the skin are antioxidant-rich products such as Vitamin C, Vitamin A (retinol), as well as Hyaluronic Acid.

Tips for Skincare Routine

Here are the best tips for skincare routine:

1. Be Consistent
2. Know Your Skin
3. Don't Overdo It

  • Be Consistent – The first and most important thing to remember when starting a skincare routine is to be consistent. Skincare products are not magic products and require consistent usage to show results.
  • Know Your Skin – When choosing skincare products for yourself, it is essential to first know what skin type you have. Once you know your skin type, as well as any other skin concerns such as acne, hyperpigmentation, etc., then you can start looking at skincare products. The products designed for your skin type and made to target your skin concerns will work best for you.
  • Don’t Overdo It – Lastly, it can be tempting to buy a lot of skincare products all at once, especially if you are just getting into skincare. However, it is best to go slow. This is especially true for acids and other strong products such as Vitamin C, Retinol, Glycolic Acid, etc. It is also advisable to start from a lower concentration of these products and slowly go up if it suits your skin.

About the Author

Eliza Ward

Eliza Ward is a health enthusiast, nature lover, and full-time mother for 3 lovely kids in South Africa. She has always had a fetish for organic products and has the best product recommendations for all her friends and family. So she turned what she loved into her full-time job - by testing and recommending the best organic goods for our online readers. Read her reviews to know how detailed her observations are.